Staying power
Many of the most dramatically beautiful architectural designs and technically excellent feats of engineering have been realized with the use of state-of-the-art Swiss BBR® stay cable technology. The BBR HiAm® CONA® strand stay cable system, BBR HiEx CONA saddle technology for extradosed applications and the BBR HiAm/DINA® wire stay system are unrivalled anywhere on the planet and applied in more than 420 projects.
BBR HiAm CONA strand stay cable system
HiAm CONA fulfills the latest international standards and recommendations deemed approved and compliant with fib as well as the corresponding PTI and SETRA recommendations. Its wide range – tendon capacity 200 – 60,000 kN, advanced water tightness, high corrosion protection, simple installation and superior fatigue resistance makes it attractive for the most challenging of projects. Designers and architects have particularly welcomed the compactness of the anchorage system which allows them greater scope to produce a sleeker and more striking structure. HiAm CONA is subject to BBR Factory Production Control and must be installed by certified BBR PT Specialist Companies only.
HiAm CONA stay Strand stay cable system 1-217 strands |
HiEx CONA saddle Strand saddle system 12-217 strands |
BBR Pin Connector Stay cable connector system 2-31 strands |
BBR Square Damper Stay cable damping system |
BBR HiAm/DINA wire and BBR Carbon stay cable systems
BBR is not only a pioneer and inventor of the high amplitude fatigue resistant “HiAm” wire stay cable composed of 7 mm wires, we also constructed the world’s first project using such technology. The patented BBR Carbon stays have an exceptional high fatigue strength – up to 10 million load cycles with 250 MPa – combined with light weight, corrosion-free properties.